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Key Programming

Transponder key replacement service



Car Key Programming

Car keys that are programmable are known as transponder keys. They are now commonplace with most new cars and work by providing the radio transmission link between the car and the key. Every key is programmed to be unique to each car, without its transponder key, a car can’t be driven. Therefore, using a transponder key reduces the chance of your car being stolen.

Transponder key replacement service

People commonly ask if it is possible to programme a key fob on your own. Each car will have a very different programming method. You will need both the instructions for programming the key and a blank key.  If the key has previously been programmed to another car, then this may not work.  It would be far easier to contact us and we will supply and programme you a new key. Our mobile workshop will come out to you anywhere along the Belfast and Lisburn area. We are equipped to replace or repair car keys, whether lost or broken. Our fully trained car locksmiths have all the expert knowledge and skills needed for the job. We stock and programme keys for most car manufacturers, including Mercedes, Ford, Vauxhall, Volkswagen, Peugeot and Citroen.